Jesus Christ is still in the business of changing lives. Check out these testimonies below. We pray that they will be a blessing to your life and encourage you to serve the Lord Jesus Christ!


Tony Chase Testimony

Raised in false religion and bound by anger, Jesus Christ came into his life and set him free.

Ashley Salinas Testimony

Raised in a broken home - Moved out at the age of 16 - 15 years of drugs, alcohol and in & out of jail - 2012 surrendered her life to Jesus and was totally set free

Dan Salinas Testimony

Addicted to drugs for 27 years - Tried quitting but couldn't - Miracle happened on his job during a UA - 2012 surrendered his life to Jesus and was completely set free

David Bartelson Testimony

David Bartelson - Grew up in a broken home in the projects - Never met his father - Joined the Air Force to escape home - Received Jesus & marriage was restored

Monnette Slyter Testimony

Grew up in a religious home, thinking that was the way to heaven - Something was still missing until Jesus came into her life and gave true peace and joy.

Robin Bartelson Testimony

Robin Bartelson - Grew up denying God and his existence - Lived a life of a sinner - Joined the Air Force - A powerful testimony - Received Jesus & marriage was restored.

Johnny Maestes Testimony

Bound by alcohol and drugs from an early age - Tasted the living water (Jesus) - Set free and clean for over 25 years!

Ernie Toppin sold his soul to God instead of selling it to the world and making it big in the music industry. Now he is using his music talent for what makes a longer lasting impact. Souls for Jesus Christ!

Jeremiah Wacker Testimony

Jeremiah Wacker - Raised in a decent home - Life of broken promises - Incorrect theology of God - 1993 Gave his life to Jesus and was completely transformed

Patrick Johnson Testimony

Bound by anger - broken by a life of sin - Set free by the power of Jesus!